华夏成长000001基金十大持仓 华夏成长混合基金000001持仓

2024-03-15 10:41:28 59 0

Huaxia Growth 000001 Fund Top 10 Holdings Huaxia Growth Hybrid Fund 000001 Holdings

1. Overview

Recently, the Huaxia Growth Mixed Fund 000001 showed a net worth of 0.8220 and a growth rate of -0.1200%. The fund has accumulated a return rate of -8.67% over the past quarter.

2. Top 10 Holdings Data as of December 31, 2023

On December 31, 2023, the top 10 holdings of the Huaxia Growth 000001 Fund were as follows:

2.1 Aerospace Electrical

The Aerospace Electrical stock had a latest price of 33.81 with no change in percentage, accounting for 4.16% of the net asset value. The fund held 106,724 shares, with a decrease of 47.93% compared to the previous period.

2.2 AVIC High-Tech

The AVIC High-Tech stock had a latest price of 16.44 with a growth rate of 1.17%, accounting for 3.48% of the net asset value. The fund held 104,439 shares, with a decrease of 47.75% compared to the previous period.

3. Huaxia Growth Hybrid Fund Performance Comparison

Compared to other Huaxia industry mixed funds, the Huaxia Growth Hybrid Fund showed a growth rate of 25.63% in 2022, ranking fifth in terms of performance.

4. Real-time Data and Services

If you are interested in accessing real-time net worth, market trends, profit trends, asset composition, industry distribution, holding stocks, style, and other information related to the Huaxia Growth Hybrid Fund 000001, Nine Dimensions Investment will provide you with comprehensive information and services.

5. Latest Fund Updates and Rankings

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